Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT)
TF-CBT is a trauma treatment that is most known for helping children and their families to understand and overcome the impact of traumatic events in a child’s life. I also use this approach when working with adults to help them overcome traumatic events.
TF-CBT involves several modules of treatment that include learning about trauma and its impacts, learning ways to manage difficult behaviors often influenced by trauma, learning relaxation skills, learning about emotions, and learning about thoughts. There are also modules relating to improving fear reactions related to trauma and safety planning.
Alongside the skill-learning modules, the core of TF-CBT is the trauma narrative. The trauma narrative usually takes the shape of a chapter book, but may also look like a collection of songs, drawings, pictures, or other creations. In making the trauma narrative, the client is able to discuss details about the trauma in a supportive environment. While working on the trauma narrative, the client is able to process the event and replace unhelpful and scary thoughts with more helpful thoughts about the trauma.
TF-CBT has been used for over 25 years, and in that time, there have been numerous studies on the effectiveness of TF-CBT. Many studies have found that TF-CBT is more effective in reducing PTSD symptoms, depression, anxiety, behavior issues, shame, negative thoughts, and relationship difficulties; research shows that there is usually a benefit for parents when they are involved in the therapeutic process, as well, including but not limited to decreasing emotional distress and symptoms of depression and enhancing parents’ ability to support their children and manage behavioral issues.
You can learn more about TF-CBT by checking out the National Childhood Traumatic Stress Network website and by reviewing this handout.
Schedule an appointment with me here to learn how TF-CBT could help you and your child.